Cloud Foundry Cheat Sheet

I’m getting my feet wet with Cloud Foundry and trying to deploy some apps.  I got tired of printing this information into my console.  Here is the ‘cf’ output in cheat sheet format.

CF Cheat Sheet

Clouf Foundry Cheat Sheet.

4 thoughts on “Cloud Foundry Cheat Sheet

    • Hi Matt, If you’re asking about the content, I just used the command “cf -help”. I just made it pretty so I had something to reference through my learning curve.

      Thanks for checking out the blog!

  1. Hi Jon:

    I was talking to Matt as he asked you that question. His question (& mine) was how you took the cli output and formatted it as you did (3 columns, 3 colors, etc). What tool produced that output given the cf cli input?



    • I dumped the cli output to a file, then I used NP++ to help format the text, Excel, and then some to master it. While that may sound complicated, it really isn’t that bad.

      Feel free to e-mail me if you want some more detail or if I can help out with another project you’re working on.


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